Fuse Box Lite

last modified: September 11, 2008

Here is a simplified version of the FuseBox framework written in ColdFusion code. It is especially useful if your headers and footers tend to vary a lot; which the formal framework does not handle gracefully.

[-------- FILE: index.cfm ----------]

* "Lite" version of Fusebox framework. This version has less
* indirection than the "formal" version and is far less code.

<!--- Local Settings --->

<CFPARAM NAME="traceOn" DEFAULT="False">   <!--- useful for debugging --->
<CFPARAM NAME="pageTitle" DEFAULT="Sample Application">
<CFPARAM NAME="DSN" DEFAULT="myDSN">    <!--- data set name --->
<CFPARAM NAME="defaultFuseAction" DEFAULT="intro">

<!---  --->

<cfset fusebox = structNew()>

<!--- Get fuseaction from either url or form --->

<cfif isDefined('url.fuseaction')>
  <cfset fusebox.fuseaction = url.fuseaction>
<cfelseif isDefined('form.fuseaction')>
  <cfset fusebox.fuseaction = form.fuseaction>
  <cfset fusebox.fuseaction = defaultFuseAction>

<cfif traceOn>   <!--- Output to HTML comment --->
  <!-- TRACE: using fuseaction: <cfoutput>#fusebox.fuseaction#</cfoutput> -->

<cfinclude template="fbx_Utils.cfm">    <!--- optional --->

<cfinclude template="fbx_Switch.cfm">

[-------- FILE: fbx_Switch.cfm ----------]

Module:         fbx_Switch.cfm

<CFSWITCH EXPRESSION = "#fusebox.fuseaction#">

<CFCASE value="intro">   <!--- example entry --->
  <cfinclude template="dsp_std_header.cfm">
  <cfinclude template="dsp_navigation.cfm">
  <cfinclude template="dsp_std_footer.cfm">

  <!---This will just display an error message and is 
  useful in catching typos of fuseaction names while 
     <li>Received UNDEFINED fuse-action called 
     "#fusebox.fuseaction#"  &nbsp; Please notify information services.
          <!--- custom stuff --->
          <a href="#fbxUrl('intro')#">Launch Main Page</a>
          <!--- end custom stuff --->


[-------- FILE: fbx_utils.cfm ----------]

<!--- Example Utility Function (optional) --->

<cffunction name="fbxUrl" output="No">
  <!--- Create a typical fuse-action call. Wrapped in a function to make 
  conversion to other FB frameworks easier. 
  Append URL parameters to result as needed. Example: fbxUrl('foo') & '&bar=7' 
  Note that this may not work in POST mode. 
  <cfargument name="p_fuseaction" default="">
  <cfset var result=''>
  <cfset result = 'index.cfm?fuseaction=' & trim(p_fuseaction)>
  <cfreturn result>



CategoryLowEnd, CategoryFramework
