A list of funny ScienceFiction books:
- Everything ever written by RobertAntonWilson or DouglasAdams.
- SluggyFreelance
- The "Callahan's Crosstime Saloon" series by SpiderRobinson (which inspired news://alt.callahans)
- The Anthony Villiers trilogy by AlexeiPanshin (Star Well, The Thurb Revolution, Masque World)
- Sewer, Gas & Electric, by MattRuff
- Venus on the Half-Shell, by KilgoreTrout
- To Say Nothing of the Dog, Bellwether, and Uncharted Territory by ConnieWillis; also Promised Land with CynthiaFelice
- Doorways in the Sand, by RogerZelazny
- Master of Space and Time by RudyRucker
- Options and Mindswap by RobertSheckley
- Snow White and the Seven Samurai by TomHolt (which sends up both Cyberpunk and Fantasy at the same time)
- Bill, The Galactic Hero, "Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers", and the "Stainless Steel Rat" series by HarryHarrison
- The Hal Spacejock series by SimonHaynes
- Who Goes Here by BobShaw
- HeadCrash by BruceBethke (the only novel with awk, init and perl as chapter titles)
- All the Way to the Gallows, a collection of rather dark humor from normally deadly serious DavidDrake (Hammer's Slammers, Redliners, Cluster Command, etc.)
- "Mission Earth", dekacology by EllRonHubbard. I laughed through all 10 volumes! Outrageous satirical SciFi. (Accidentally funny, not on purpose.)
- "Phule's Company" by RobertAsprin. The sequels are decent too.
- Hoka! Hoka! Hoka! by PoulAnderson and GordonDickson
- The Vor Game by Lois McMaster Bujold
- by PhlIp
Dead serious? Surely "Hammer's Slammers" is comedy.
Really? You must have had a great laugh at "The Tank Lords," the best, and most intense, short story I have ever read, by any author, on any subject, in any genre.
Really, but I am using that word in the classical sense. I'm not sure I remember "The Tank Lords", but what I have seen of Drake is basic military porn, it may even be better than much SF but few examples in the genre transcend its limitations; it may not be intentionally comedic but flat characterization, reliance on stereotype, and general lack of depth make it so. I am willing to believe I have missed writing of a different character, as the few stories of his I have read didn't lead me to explore him more. That was a long time ago, so without looking I couldn't tell you individual titles.
How unfortunate then that you never took a look at the "Cluster Command" series of interlinked novels. These three novels tell the same simultaneous story from three different perspectives, with complete and full characterizations that rival the works of Zahn and Clarke. Intense storytelling that can't be pigeonholed as "SF" just because the story occurs a millennium or so and a few dozen light-years away from the here-and-now.
And by the way, nobody with two brain cells to rub together could possibly have read "The Tank Lords" and be able to forget it. You haven't read the thing.
Funny ScienceFiction Films:
- BrazilTheMovie (Depending on your SenseOfHumour. No, this is in no sense a comedy; it has some very amusing moments added to a very dark bleak dystopian tale) -- pretty much anything made by TerryGilliam (except maybe TwelveMonkeys)
- PlanNineFromOuterSpace (Depending on your SenseOfHumour; accidentally rather than intentionally funny)
- GalaxyQuest
- SpaceballsTheMovie (well, I thought it was funny)
- Appliance Wars (a short film spoofing StarWars)
- Dark Star -- Truly a classic of (often dark) humor, but cult low budget
- Attack of the Killer Tomatoes -- often shown at "bad film" festivals; cheesy but intentionally, not accidentally, funny
- Earth Girls Are Easy
Funny ScienceFiction Series:
- Red Dwarf
- Lexx
See: FunnyFantasy
CategoryBooks, CategoryScienceFiction