Fulfilled Science Fiction Prophecies

last modified: March 17, 2013

ToDo: compare to age of SuccessfulScienceFictionProphecies - mostly 15yo, right?

Inspired by FailedScienceFictionProphecies.

These may not be exactly as envisioned by their original authors, but reasonable facsimiles are acceptable. Extra points if you can cite the author and title. I've seeded the list with a number of things in modern use. Not all of them may have been predicted in ScienceFiction. My Sci-Fi reading is years behind, so the list will clearly be incomplete. Please embrace and extend.

Moon Landing Well, unless you support the "Moon Landing Hoax" theory.

Crazy AI Killing People It happens more than you'd think, but in mundane situations like a jet autopilot with a bad neural net and poor safeties around it. Not an AI that argues you to death, but that's coming!

Supersonic Flight Another hoax. ;-)

Laser Guns (in fact, laser beams at all)

Oh, they were predicted...

Wow. I've never seen an artist draw a beam that's so obviously monochromatic. I mean, if any image has ever made it clear that something is a laser and not just a beam of light, it's this (and yes, I'm ignoring the point, since it isn't relevant). Has anyone pointed out how War of the Worlds correctly predicted the existence of squid, yet?

Jet To Space Jet to sub-orbital tested on live TV; the USA has naturally had a "secret" Jet-to-Space project since the 50s...


Submarines that can reach the deepest deeps

Nuclear power, and nuclear powered things

Nuclear bombs

Stun Guns

Personal Computers

Global Positioning System (GPS)

Personal mobile phones slash video-phones

buildings destroyed in New York City (such as the WorldTradeCenter )


Dystopias have always been. Can't call it a prophesy...

Communications Satellites.

Genetic Engineering


Mind Control

Waldoes already on SuccessfulScienceFictionProphecies


Solar-powered electricity generation

pocket calculator

The calculators in "The feeling of power" certainly aren't handheld - the military want to use human calculators to replace the machines in missiles.

Hypospray injection

Wearable handsfree communicators

thin-panel video displays to hang on walls

I think there was one of these in BackToTheFutureTwo. but by that time, LCD and plasma displays were already a reality, they just weren't big enough yet

brain implants

I'm sure there are earlier examples than Geordie's visor and TheBorg in StarTrekTheNextGeneration, but those are the two that come to mind first off. See http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/mar2005/tc20050315_7929_tc024.htm for the reality.

And the top-voted futurism success?: Viagra
