Freedom Is Slavery

last modified: January 31, 2005

A phrase from George Orwell's "1984", a classic piece of literature about control and its forms. Conspiracy theorists cling to its message, professing that we live in an age of Big Brother.

Does that make NoamChomsky a conspiracy theorist or a geek?

[Conspiracy is a modern weasel word (see WeaselWords). Once used, it works to discredit inquiry and thought on particular subjects. "When words loss their meaning people will lose their liberty." (A simpler translation of Confucius. An earlier translation by A. Waley in 1938 is as follows: "If the language is incorrect...the people will have nowhere to put hand and foot"]

Yet another example of LaynesLaw. Consider how the term freedom, which used to be fairly un-coopted, has changed. Now "freedom" is used to mean "the American way of life", even "something you must give up liberties to protect".

An excellent example of DoubleThink.

If a ConspiracyTheorist has done good research and is correct, are they a ConspiracyGeek?

Or, Peace is War :-)

See: WarIsPeace
