This is a popular and successful means by which WebServices attract paying customers. Many of the UserFriendlyMegaSites have become both very attractive and profitable by offering LevelsOfService that are free (as in cost nothing), inexpensive (as in cost very little compared to the utility supplied), or more expensive but cost effective.
It is a model which is believed to be here to stay. In order to remain visible and widely used, such sites will necessarily require third party involvement. How? by the creation of a UserFriendlyMegaSite which supplies a directory and search facility to do so. It will have to be one which requires one or just a few touches to navigate (preferably one to no more than six). Why? most people will remember sequences that short, and because that many touches can be made with a matter of 1 to 3 seconds. (That is my definition of InAnInstant)
A model of this is Skype, a Video and Audio contact and conferencing site, who supply no-cost as well and a multitude of optional services which are revenue producing options, set to fit the users requirements.
The field for applications in this paradigm are wide-open to those who would InventTheFuture.