Frederik Vandendriessche

last modified: August 26, 2008

The statements bellow are quite outdated.

Though site site runs on great software I switched to

I'm a junior System Engineer at EDS Belgium. I develop web applications for Electronic Business Services ; a brand new account in EDS Belgium.

I intend to implement an Inquiry System, using Squeak / Smalltalk off course...

Now who fixed my layout?

Maybe you can tell me why something simple like : <font color="#0000FF">I want this text to be blue</font> is no longer possible...

Wiki translates its pages to HTML for presentation, but the pages are not written in HTML. It isn't correct to say it is "no longer possible" because it was never possible.

Now, this might sound silly, but here it is anaway : what system is used to maintain these pages ?

Is there a single hyperlink to a single file that contains the whole system ? (It's often hard to locate all the files on the web you need to run a system)

At home, I'm trying swiki pages out. Using those swiki pages, one may use html in his/her message. I guess I mixed swiki pages with these pages.

Is there anyone here that uses a dos port of Squeak ?

Why am I using this page ?

Well, I have some free time for the moment, and I want to construct a system that allows the owners of it to create inquiries. I'm belgian and I don't know if inquiries is the right word for it. With inquiries I mean a set of questions.

In a first stage, I would like to forsee some structure posibilities for the questions. (hierarchycal,...) In a second fase I would like to introduce some artificial intelligence. At school we used Aion(r) Development System for Windows and OS/2. It allows you to create sets of questions, and the system will ask the questions in the right order. (You have to specify some parameters on your questions and then system really thinks before it decides which question should be answered next to get a result to the intitial problem.) A simple example to illustrate this. Doing the laundry is often a problem for men (and women). You have to make sure that the temperature is right, you got the right program, and most of all, you can not mix socks with woolen sweaters. At school I created a set of questions, and when you start the Aion-engine (you do this when you have to do the laundry), the system asks you what you want to clean, and it answers how excatly you should do the laundry...

