Francis Townsend

last modified: January 28, 2003

I have had two MomentOfUnderstanding events in my programming life. The first was when I was nine and my older brother bought his first computer. The Atari 400. The first time I wrote

10 Print "Hello World"

20 GOTO 10

I knew what I wanted to do.

The second experience was in December of '95 when my older brother gave me a copy of the DesignPatterns book by the GangOfFour. and I finally grasped the year of Smalltalk I had taken in college.

Since then I have been waiting for the the next MomentOfUnderstanding.

I am currently interested in:

1. Building frameworks for change.

2. Self describing systems.

I have been using Smalltalk in an academic and professional setting since 1994.

remove the 1antispamdevice. to email me.

For the past 2 years I have been doing Java development for a commercial software company in the DC area. I have TestInfected other developers and hope to have the next project done with better test coverage.

