Fight Flight Or Stand Still

last modified: October 15, 2013

There are more than two options when surviving in this wiki DonaldNoyes.ThinkingOutLoud.20121205

I've survived the comings and goings of many people, and still find this place to be a valuable venue for PeopleProjectsAndPatterns. Since 2002 and earlier, I have participated here and have changed my strategies of participation, several times. While some operate on the Fight, and if I lose, or are banned, leave. Others have after struggling to fit in, found they did not, took off for venues and technologies more to their linking involving people who are more agreeable, in terms of their interests and desires. The ones that survive here, are adaptive in their resolution to make the best of a good thing.

A positive attitude and an practical approach are requisites to meaningful survival and continued participation and involvement. I call this the Stand Still approach.

The Stand Still approach is one which derives the ability to do so by knowing and doing a number of things. What are they?

