That's why we write so many UnitTests and we run them so often.
Any worker who does not receive feedback constantly can not perform well, because his effort will deviate from what he really must achieve.
Yet one more unwarranted assumptions thrown on Wiki. What is certain is that WikiSpaceIsFree.
[Excellent example, you just gave him free feedback. ;-) ]
If feedback is not free, that is, if it takes time, effort and money to get feedback, then I will do my work without asking for feedback. I will just let my work rot and when feedback is ready (there will be feedback sooner or later) I will probably hate it. Feedback doesn't need to be human, UnitTests are a form of feedback that is almost free, unless running your tests take more than 2 hours. In that case tests are too heavy and probably you feel like doing something else instead of running them.
See RapidFeedback, TheProcessIsTheProblem, PeopleAreTheProblem.