In the movie, "The Devil's Advocate," Al Pacino's character tells us why a woman's neck is so intriguing: Because it is the link between her mind and her body.
The keyboard is the link between the man and his machine.
Strange little grid of buttons: I love you.
Everyone wants to build a better input device.
Here are some things people are trying or talking about:
The variants:
- DvorakKeyboard (not new hardware, just a different way of arranging the keys)
- Concave: KinesisKeyboard, MaltronKeyboard, ErgomaticKeyboard
- Heat-sensitive: FingerBoard
- OneFingerKeyboard
The deviants:
- DataHand
- One Hand: HandyKey, InfoGrip
- ShoeKeyboard
- PianoKeyboard
- Using plants that sense human emotions as input devices. Believe it or not this is technically feasible.
- The Mouse -- Though it's unbeatable in certain tasks and has a smaller barrier-to-entry, is just too limited to oust our polybuttonic friend.
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