Ez Go

last modified: January 24, 2006

BruceWilcox's GoPatternLanguage. Far and away the best book on Go I've seen - except for the cover-art:

Web site at http://webpages.charter.net/suewilcox.

Discussion at http://senseis.xmp.net/?EZGO

Contributors: PeterMerel, BillBarnett

As a second book on Go for a western beginner, this is not a bad choice. In the spirit of ShuHaRi, this book addresses the shu phase of learning, but as one learns more about the game one would discard (ShuHaRi's ha) the simplistic rules of EZ Go and embrace a more holistic view of the game. BruceWilcox also gives an entertaining lecture on his theories. -- IanOsgood

