Extreme Values Will Scale

last modified: March 17, 1999

I forget how many times I've had the conversation that started with the other person (or people) saying something like "I'd really like to do XP but I've got 50 developers in three countries and the customers are spread across two timezones and...". How could XP possibly scale up to this environment?

I'm interested that this conversation always starts off "I'd really like to do XP but...". Why would they really like to do XP? Why aren't they saying "I'd really like to do SSADM but..." or "I'd really like to do Unified Process but...". ISTM that these people see something in XP that they find attractive, if not essential, and I believe that this something is the values that XP holds dear:

. Communication
. Simplicity
. Feedback
. Aggressiveness/Fearlessness/Courage/Confidence

I believe these values will scale but perhaps large projects need to find a new set of practices (or adapt the existing ones - which are usually the focus of the "I'd really like to do XP but..." conversation) to support these values in their environment.

