Extreme Programming Student

last modified: September 1, 2004

ExtremeProgramming is about doing, and watching as you do. It can only be examined effectively if you are at the same time experiencing it.

I've been immersed in XP for the past two years, in a very real sense more than any of the [other] ExtremeProgrammingMasters. XP is not about reason, it is not about methodology, it is not about science. It is about getting in touch with what the universe tells you about how things are going.

I have had to unlearn a lot in order to do XP. I still know too much.

You will see this material again. This is the best I can do, for now, at expressing the truth.


cf TheMostPureWay, ToAyoungExtremist

I wish there were a programming tutorial for beginners that started them out with these ideas. BoyThisStuffMakesMeFeelStupid
