Web sites
- http://xprogramming.com/ (supersedes http://www.armaties.com/Practices/PracLeadin.htm)
- http://extremeprogramming.org
- http://industrialxp.org/
- http://MenloInstitute.com/ (an XP mentoring company) MenloInstitute
- http://www.xispe.com.br/ (a Brazilian (Portuguese language) XP wiki)
- http://c-sharpcorner.com/Code/2004/Feb/XtremeProgramming.asp A condensed Definition and Guide
- http://xpexchange.net/ hosted by ManfredLange, XP info in both English and German
Web discussion groups
- CppReport published KentBecksChangeCostXpArticle.
- XP Testing Without XP: Taking Advantage of Agile Testing Practices (http://methodsandtools.com/archive/archive.php?id=2)
- This article describes how to use techniques from extreme programming for teams that have not implemented XP
I couldn't resist but share this amazingly funny link. Forgot to mention that it does have something serious to say.
- http://www.softwarereality.com/rumours/story032.jsp
- (see the whole http://www.softwarereality.com for details