ExtremeProgrammingExplained is an excellent intro, but it assumes that the reader isn't a novice. That's probably why it is so popular with professional programmers, one doesn't have to wade through pages of:
//This is a comment
/* This is a multi-line comment */
There are some issues in ExtremeProgramming that might not be clear to the novice programmer, this is the place to discuss them or post links.
Please state the nature of the programming emergency: http://groups.google.com/groups?as_q=test&num=10&as_scoring=relevance&as_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_ugroup=comp.lang.c%2B%2B&as_usubject=&as_uauthors=Phlip&as_umsgid=&lr=&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001
TestDrivenDesign to solve for the special case, then refactor to solve for the general case: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&ic=1&th=29e9dc55466b55b6&seekd=941348922#941348922
UnitTests vs ExcessComments: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%2B+author:Phlip&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&scoring=relevance&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001&rnum=5&seld=927345151&ic=1
Private Variables Only do not a bug-free program automatically make: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%
- Tiny Increments vs Newbies writing entire programs before compiling all of them: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%2B+author:Phlip&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&scoring=relevance&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001&rnum=8&seld=958503105&ic=1
- Premature Optimization vs Profiling UnitTests: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%2B+author:Phlip&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&scoring=relevance&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001&rnum=7&seld=940866564&ic=1
- ExtremelyPortable code: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%2B+author:Phlip&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&scoring=relevance&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001&rnum=3&seld=929847037&ic=1
- The Quest for Robustness: http://groups.google.com/groups?q=test+group:comp.lang.c%2B%2B+author:Phlip&start=10&hl=en&lr=&safe=off&scoring=relevance&as_drrb=quick&as_qdr=&as_mind=15&as_minm=8&as_miny=2000&as_maxd=13&as_maxm=4&as_maxy=2001&rnum=11&seld=926722942&ic=1
- DocumentationViaUnitTests: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&ic=1&th=ab4219f1db66dcb7&seekd=903405018#903405018
- Don't Encapsulate The World: http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&ic=1&th=c7a2d6865ca3269b&seekd=913473342#913473342
Proclaimed mikas493@student.liu.se from the mountaintops:
Hello, I am making a small, tile-based game. Each tile is represented by a class called Tile and my game area is a two-dimensional arrays of Tile-objects. I'm just starting out with this project so I have some basic design questions. I am unsure how I should keep track of the valid directions from each tile and, given a valid direction, obtain the tile the player is moving to. I thought about have an 8-bit unsigned int as data member and let each bit correspond to one direction, starting from upper-left or something, but this doesn't give me the actual tile one will end if one travels in that direction. I could have 8 pointers for each Tile-object, but that seems crude somehow. Any suggestions on how to implement this are greatly appreciated.
All together now:
The first one means you should write lines of code into a UnitTest before you write production code to get tested. This rachets you along and makes the code surprisingly easy to write, once you get the hang of it.
The second, per the book Refactoring, means you should skip design questions until after the tests pass. Then you should change the tested code, in tiny steps, stopping to test after each little tweak. The test-infected code will report any little mistake you make, as it happens.
The third item means code should be designed to be tested, the only way to do this is via cycles of test-first and refactoring, and these together will ramp your design up until it is clean, simple, extensible and robust.
The last item, UnitTestsDefined, talks about how to build an alternate project with an alternate 'main()'; this will call all the test functions, which will contain lines like these:
cout << "Testing pieces move to new tiles..." << flush;
Piece aPiece (0,0);
aPiece.move (1,1);
aPiece.move (1,1);
aPiece.move (0,1);
aPiece.move (1,0);
assert (aPiece.getX() == 3);
assert (aPiece.getY() == 3);
... // more and more brainless obvious lines like this
cout << "okay" << endl;
... // more and more other test sets
cout << "All tests passed" << endl;
The rules are very simple. You write the first line here, compile, and run. All tests pass. Then you write the second line. It can't compile, because 'Piece' does not exist yet. Add this, compile, and all tests pass.
Now add the line that calls 'move', and this member does not exist yet. Add it, and put nothing in it. All tests pass.
Now add all the 'move' lines, then add the 'assert' line. This fails, because 'move' did not really do anything. Make it do something, and get this assertion to pass.
You must make 'move' do the simplest thing that could possibly make 'getX' and 'getY' pass the assertion. Then, after you have more tests than this, if you think of a better way to implement 'Piece's internals, upgrade to that way.
Your question implies an unextreme mindset. You think that you must commit to a design before you code. Nobody does it like this unless they want their code to get very stale tangled & resistant to upgrades very soon, like MS-DOS's kernel. If your code can always be upgraded easily then it will live forever.
Now good luck getting anyone in whatever courses you may be taking to tell you any of this dreadfully obvious & simple stuff!
CategoryExtremeProgramming CategoryDummies