The first time I heard of XP was in September 1999, when KentBeck gave a lecture about it at Philips Research in Eindhoven (The Netherlands). I knew him from CrcCards, but at that time he talked about ExtremeProgramming and RefactorMercilessly (never heard of at that time) and referenced the book of MartinFowler. I like especially the articles in the book. The Refactoring itself is more like a dictionary. A Refactor browser for C++ (as discussed in the book and as shown for Smalltalk at the XP2000 conference) would be really handy but will probably only partially materialize because of the complexity of the language :-(.
After the lecture, I found out that the XP2000 was organized in Sardinia, Italy. Met two of TheThreeExtremos there. I also visited XP2002, XP2007 (Como) and XP2011 (Madrid).
In February 2001, I gave my XP presentation ( at the Philips Software Conference and organized the XPGame ( of VeraPeeters and PascalVanCauwenberghe.
I wrote a paper for the XP/Agile 2004 conference in Calgary ISBN: 3-540-22839-X , "An Agile CMM", describing how we managed to become CMM level 2 certified, while retaining our Agile way of working.
Mail me at erik (at) erikbos (dot) net or have a look at