Eric Hopper

last modified: July 29, 2004

I've been a programmer since I was very young. I know a variety of languages, but most recently have used Python and C++.

Awhile ago, I passed the mark where my professional lifetime as a programmer has exceeded my non-professional lifetime. It has always been something of a mystery to me why one counts more than the other.

Anyway, I write and think a lot. I have an infrequently updated homepage at, and numerous other accouterments of a modern web denizen. :-) My online handle is Omnifarious, so if you see that anywhere, it's likely to be me.

Oh, well, at the risk of being spammed, my email is

Shamelessly lifted from DickBotting's page...

Unless I say other wise, my writing is CopyLefted: Use and quote it but say where it came from.

WikiWikiWeb seems to strongly resemble

I have an OpenSource project I've been working on for a long time called TheStreamModuleSystem.

I have another OpenSource project I just started called CAKE, it can be found at This project is also listed here under SpamSolutions.

