Enterprise Solution Patterns

last modified: February 12, 2006

Enterprise Solution Patterns Using Microsoft .NET by DavidTrowbridge, DaveMancini, DaveQuick, GregorHohpe, JamesNewkirk, DavidLavigne

ISBN: 0735618399 Don't be put off by the title, this book is not targeted solely at technical architects working on massive projects. The insights, analysis and examples are highly relevant to developers designing and building any non-trivial software.

The association with .NET needn't put you off reading this book, either, because the design patterns it contains are firstly described in the abstract and then applied using .NET - the patterns themselves are equally valid for Java developers, for example.

What makes this book outstanding are its structure and the clarity of its language.

Microsoft has created a framework in which its design patterns (and those of others) can be seen in a broader context - in the way they relate to each other and in the way they relate to the various software development roles (DBA, Developer, Operations Staff, etc) and the various tasks they perform (eg analyse, design, deploy, operate).

The clarity of thinking behind the book is matched by the clarity of expression within it. If you've struggled over the complexities of substantial design patterns, then this book will cut through the fog and give you much greater understanding into some of the best design patterns in use today.

Why would you read it? To make you a better professional, add to your armoury of proven solutions to common software design problems and steal a march over colleagues who still rely on personal experience and intuition rather than tapping into the combined experience of hundreds of successful developers distilled into a powerful, readable, practical book.

-- Amazon review

