Enterprise Continuous Integration

last modified: May 7, 2003

ContinuousIntegration scaled to the Enterprise.

This has two axes:

1) Getting CI working on a whole bunch of projects

2) Integrating the products of builds into the same environment.

It is this second meaning (the vertical axis) that presents many challenges that haven't really been answered by the ExtremeProgramming and Agile communities yet. I hope to explore some theories and possible solutions in a technical Exchange entitled "Enterprise Continuous Integration Issues and Limitations" at this year's (dated: 5/7/2003) AgileDevelopmentConference in June, if you are attending the conference, having experience or ideas you wish to share and would like to participate in the exchange please feel free to contact me. In the meanwhile this page is pretty thin, I am hoping people will expand it (and I will as I have time) and I will place relevant bits of the findings of the conference here (and delete this paragraph) -- BillCaputo

See Also: EnterpriseApplication
