Ejb Now Tips

last modified: December 16, 2014

Tips from ejb now .

Webpage :http://www.ejbnow.com/

Link :http://www.ejbnow.com/ejbtips.html (BrokenLink 2006-05-14)


Tips include:

Bulk accessors in EntityBeans - Enclose the parameters to create method in bulk objects (ex: use Address object instead of passing them all)

I don't think this is a good idea. See LimitParametersForEjbCreates

Hash codes for complex primarykey class- please also look into the hashcode implementation from Together/J

Validation in dependent objects - should we validate the data at the UI end or at the Business end ?

Absolutely do as much of the validation as you can in the dependent objects. Do this BEFORE you ever start an EJB transaction to limit the amount of locking that has to be done, and then aborted, if the validation fails.

Listing strategies - also look into AccessBean. Also look into the articles from Inprise discussions .They describe the usage of result set to list the results .

I dont remmeber the exact location of an article that describes similar strategy but in a different approach using a comman interface called Description.I will post them here when I find that article. --SeshKumar

See: EjbLinks

