I am a Java/web programmer in San Francisco. I am a proponent of ExtremeProgramming.
- My website is at http://www.edwardh.com.
- I wrote the unit testing framework for JavaScript called JsUnit (http://www.jsunit.net)
- I co-authored a chapter in PatternsOfEnterpriseApplicationArchitecture (Fowler) (http://www.martinfowler.com/eaaCatalog/repository.html)
- I have a sidebar in PlanningExtremeProgramming (Beck/Fowler)
- I wrote a simple video game called JShooter strictly using the principle of test-driven design (http://www.edwardh.com/jshooter/index.html)
Edward is awfully refined for an American. He and RobMee have a description of Evant's IterationTracking process in PlanningExtremeProgramming.