Edouards Wiki

last modified: December 29, 2007

So anyway, there I was packing the house for the move, and I kept finding other things to do (since packing gets pretty tiresome pretty quickly). One of the things I ended up thinking about was how I wanted to set up my own web pages on a hosting site, and so I'd better get on with writing that database driven engine for it I'd been thinking about for the last couple of years.

Having discovered WardsWiki a year or two back, I naturally wanted to include something of the WikiNature in my own web pages, and so sat down with my trusty libraries (that I've been dragging around with me for a number of years now) and thought "Let's try to make a wiki".

I've put some thoughts about the process on WritingMyOwnWiki if anyone is interested in (yet) another WikiEngine.

Where can someone see more about this?

