Edit Then List Vs List Then Edit

last modified: March 30, 2009

Today I was thinking about the way I build UIs (List then Edit) and the way most people I know build UIs (Edit then List) and the relation that the way you build you UI has with the way you store the data you manipulate in you UI.

List then Edit

In this "pattern" for UI structure, after the user selects an option in the menu he sees a window that allows searching with some controls (generally in the top of the window),and with some control in the bottom that represents the search results, then the user selects one of the search results (an object, or row if you prefer) and he proceeds to work (edit, modify) it, for that he opens a new window "the editor" (perhaps by double clicking the selected object, perhaps by clicking an "edit" button in the list window) in the editor he may modify the object being edited as much as he likes, and then click "save" if he wants to commit his changes or "cancel" if he wants to rollback them.

If the user wants to create a new object, the list has a "new" button that also calls the "editor" so that the user can set the initial values for the fields before the object is committed to the database for the first time

Edit then List

In this other "pattern" for UI structure, after we select an option in the menu we are right there in the editor, but all the controls that could allow us to modify the current object (or row) are disabled, because we haven't searched for any (or created a new one) from here the user can choose to create a new object that action has the effect of enabling all the control in the editor, or search for an already persisted object (or row) by clicking the "search button", that shows the search "list" window, in the top of that window there are controls to configure the search criteria, and in the top a control to represent the search results, from here the user can choose one of the search results (an object or row), and click on the "accept" button, which takes him back to the editor that now is displaying the previously selected object, here the use may choose to make some changes and click "save", or just cancel click "cancel" but actions have the effect of disabling the controls in the editor UI until the buttons "search" or "new" are used again.

Edit in List

When an application generally follows List the Edit, sometimes, if the info in the selected object is very simple, the user may modify it right there, but for for objects with medium to complex (several fields, to one or to many relations with other objects) calling a window to modify the object is more comfortable for the user

Search (List) in Editor

Some times, the developer likes to use the same UI to Edit and to Search, this works like some kind of "query by example", that is when user enters the editor, instead of being disabled an waiting for a click on the "new" or "search" button, the controls are enabled, and if the user writes some data in to them and clicks "search" the already persisted object (or row) that is more similar to the partial information already written in the editor is loaded. Sometimes there are many objects that match the query by example, here is when a navigator control can be a nice thing to have.

Master List, Detail Editor

This is also a very common configuration, both the list and the editor are in the same window, the list generally in the top, and the editor in the bottom, I think this somewhat corresponds with Two Panel Selector.

Persistence implications

Okey, until now I have exposed what I think are the some of the common "patterns" used to create UIs that manipulate data, now... what I find more interesting about this is the the way this "patterns" affect the way the data is stored or retrieved from persistence:

You have a Mode object "Product" with Name, Price and PriceTax. You will want to write the method that calculates the PriceTax like this (in pseudo-java-like code):

class Product{

 public void setPrice(Number newPrice){
          return this.setPriceTax(newPrice*TAX_PERCENTAGE);


Now, you want this to be interactive, if you rewrite the "price" in the UI, you want to instantly see the price tax (and of course, if you cancel you want it to go back to its original value), if you are using something like JGoodies.Binding (I am only guessing because I have not used it), that means that the value the for price has not reached your object model, and so, it can not offer you an interactive calculation of the price tax. The only way to do is with a transactional object model (like the one offered by Apple's EOF or the DotNet DataSet) or, violating DRY (and/or layer separation?) and rewriting this at the UI level.

This seems like a big omission from the HiberNate guys... but it isn't exactly so, everything I have exposed here, has been on the assumption that we are working in a "Smart-Client" that holds local information, and Hibernate was born in "the web 1.0 world". In the web 1.0, you "need" to re-fetch the information on each request (so when you go from editor to list or from list to editor you always reload the data) and you don't really pass the object you are going to edit from the list to the edit, it easier, and more efficient to just pass the primary key, of course the problem there is that you can only do that with objects previously persisted in the database, if you object is new it has to be serializable and some times that just isn't advisable (but that is an issue for another discussion)....

The thing with web based application is that the controls in the UI don't actually store the information directly in your object, their store it in the view-state, or in the query-string, in cookies, in the session or in an object that "represents the form", and only when you finally want to save, you extract the information from the web-controls and write it in to your object (at least that is more/less was the way I did it in the Java servlet world) but this is a "feature" that might be going away... the problem is that with the new JSF databinding, or with the new databinding facilities of ASP.NET 2.0, you can actually bind you controls directly with you datasources... and then how will we rollback the in memory changes? should we build a framework on top of HiberNate, a kind of "in memory object context" that handles the commits and rollbacks in memory?

More Questions

See also: CrudPatterns, CrudScreen (CreateReadUpdateDelete)

