Suggested features for an EcommerceWiki:
- Several Protection Levels psw for product description, sell links
- Payment Transaction Processing
- MultiUseWikiPage Support mechanisms
See WebAuthor copyright link for legal copying.
The significant problem for InterWiki page exchange: different wikis have different page naming schemes.
From EcommerceWiki
You'll need a way of resolving and mapping between different WikiNames. Page names are chosen by people, and refer to the content so it's going to be hard to do this mapping automatically and predictably. You probably need something like LotusNotes to do the above in a reasonable fashion... (and that probably means slackening the relationship between title, URL, and page identity).
At the end of it all, every wiki is just data. Thus for page exchange each wiki should present an API to allow submitting and retrieving pages. A pure HTTP or DCOM implementation of this would be, I would think, trivial. -- StevenBlack
Thank you for your hints. Perhaps a similar Turnkey Wiki system already exists. Please have a look in WebWebTwo, where I wrote a public letter to JoeMcMahon. Unfortunately his download link and his workaddress there were unavailable. Although it would be nice, to have the 'pagename problem' for Inter Wiki transfer resolved, I could live without solution of this problem at moment. Highest priority at moment for me:
- Easy installation in one perl cgi-enabled directory on the free without server-site administration support
- Protection mechanism as described in WebWebTwo
- Creditcard option integrating a creditcard verifier module: