[EditHint: MergeMe with EclipseIde ]
The features of Eclipse I use the most:
- Built in refactorings tools
- CVS Client
- Built in ANT and JUnit tools
If you want to do something that Eclipse does not do by default, you can find several plugins. For plugins, visit http://eclipse-plugins.2y.net/eclipse/index.jsp.
Also check http://download2.eclipse.org/downloads/drops/R-2.1-200303272130/whats-new-all.html for some of the salient features in 2.1.
ClearCase plugin for eclipse/ http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/library/content/03July/2500/2834/ClearCase/Plug-Ins/cc_readme_3.0.x.htm
-- GunjanDoshi
And if it can code-complete entire statements of JavaLanguage for you, then exactly what is the _language_ for?? --PhlIp
1) Languages aren't write-only. Longer statements can make the code easier to read. 2) Just because it can code-complete the most common statement doesn't mean those are the only statements you use. (Wasn't sure if you were serious or not) -- BrianCloutier
And it contains code-templates. With these code-templates, you can define often used code-snippets like for-loops or for-iterations. Just press Ctrl-Space. I like it.
I am eternally grateful to Eclipse for researching the usability features which have since appeared in VisualStudio. -- PhlIp
I have been using Eclipse for 5 years, and it is my favorite IDE all this time. I've used it for various language (mainly Java). -- Mimi
CategorySoftwareTool CategoryTextEditor