One of many AgileProcesses
or DSDM can be found at
Defines the MoSCoW rule:
- Must have for requirements that are fundamental to the system. Without them the system will be unworkable and useless. The Must Haves define the minimum usable as subset. A DSDM project guarantees to satisfy all the minimum usable subset.
- Should have for important requirements for there is a work-around in the short term and which would normally be classed as very hard in less time-constrained development, but the system will be useful and usable without them.
- Could have for requirements that can more easily be left out of the increment under development.
- Want to have but Won't have this time round for those valuable requirements that can wait till later development takes place.
Upon describing XP to a friend recently, he remarked upon how similar some of the concepts were to DSDM. Not having looked into DSDM, I wasn't in a place to comment. -- StuartBarker
Similar things have been said by my colleagues, however, after further discussion we decided that the similarities are not so profound after all. But I, too, don't really know enough about DSDM to have a firm opinion. -- KeithBraithwaite
Since DSDM Version 4.2, DSDM includes an integration with XP. -- LeonardLouweKooijmans
We should CompareDsdmAndXp.
EvolutionaryDelivery gives DSDM a brief mention in despatches.