Distributed Coalition

last modified: October 11, 2014


The Distributed Coalition (DC for short) was a group of individuals collaborating on research and development of distributed systems. This group was particularly interested in high confidence global systems that consist of objects selected from a large pool (billions or more) of objects. These systems, at the macro and micro-level, are dynamically-reconfigurable, scalable, self-describing, and emergent.

More information on the Distributed Coalition used to be found via its web site www.distributedcoalition.org/

The Distributed Coalition no longer exists (at least, actively, officially).

-- JosephKiniry (mid 1998; updated Sep 2003)

The Distributed Coalition was kicked off at OOPSLA '98.[1]

At OOPSLA in Vancouver, we held two Birds of Feather sessions, discussed what we wanted the DC to be, what we would like to work on together, and more. A core set of individuals decided to go ahead and actually engineer and distributed component-based Wiki server to serve as the bootstrapping framework on which other work could be based or added.

Additionally, DC members wanted to create a distributed community, a place where people could go to find like-minded individuals, learn, teach, and build distributed object/component-related technology and more. We decided that having a Wiki-like web was the best way to facilitate such a community - thus we are eating our own dog food (i.e. using our own distributed object-based Wiki, called Jiki).

More information on Jiki is available either via JikiJikiJava.

Jiki was originally released in January, 1999 and is OpenSource.

--JosephKiniry (24/Nov/98; updated Sep 2003)
