Dist El

last modified: March 28, 2003

Distel is a fairly fancy Erlang IDE implemented in Emacs. Homepage at http://www.bluetail.com/~luke/. This is a BragAboutMyFunHack page :-)

The name comes from "Distributed Emacs Lisp." Distel's core is an extension of EmacsLisp to support a large subset of the Erlang programming model: processes, pattern matching, and distribution. This makes Emacs act as an Erlang node, participating in distributed message-passing with real Erlang nodes, which makes it very easy and natural for Erlang and EmacsLisp programs to interact. Since EmacsLisp is, like other Lisps, a ProgrammableProgrammingLanguage, the Erlang-like language extensions are implemented simply with Lisp functions and macros.

This core makes it easy to write EmacsLisp programs that talk with Erlang nodes, and we've implemented an IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironment in this way. The current features, mostly based on Emacs's amazing facilities for developing EmacsLisp programs, are:

Distel is now a can't-live-without for me, and it has attracted some cool people to make serious extensions. It's also the program that I'm personally most proud of. Tremendous fun. -- LukeGorrie

Quick links to some documents on the homepage:

I had some fun presenting it at the conference with a home made slideware program / markup language. For laughs, here is the front slide:
