mailto:dpchiesa SPLAT hotmail BLOT com
Hey! I work for Microsoft. I'm the lead marketing PM for the Microsoft Application Server My areas of interest include Windows Server, the .NET Framework and SDK, Visual Studio, and related pieces.
I previously worked with IBM for about 4 years in a similar capacity, focusing on DCE, Encina, MqSeries, Publish and Subscribe technology, CORBA, and finally, WebSphere and VisualAge. I arrived at IBM by way of Transarc, a software startup that was acquired by IBM in 1994.
I joined Microsoft after being convinced that most software was too hard and too expensive, and there ought to be a simpler, easier way. I'm continuously looking for that way. XML Web Services is a step forward. So is managed code.
Hi Dino. I agree with you MS software has mass appeal, partly due to pricing. Killed a few competitors along the way though. Do you see security / interoperability / bandwidth concerns going to derail SoapProtocol based WebServices?
- I am hoping you can change (or provide useful material to revive) EjbsAndDistributedTransaction, since you expressed interest in refactoring WhatsWrongWithEjb in Dec04. I could act as intermediary and hope to get some opposition views as well.
- Also I rather like you to start improving /criticising / explaining a range of MS based offerings, and offer opinion on competitive alternatives too. I have created/maintained a sizable number of C2 pages since 2004
-- MicrosoftSlave Apr04
While I am not consistently active on this Wiki , some of the few topics I have favored in the past have been:
- MicrosoftWindowsServer
- ApplicationServer
- EnterpriseServices
- CategoryEmacs
- RecentChanges
- EjbLinks
- PickingAnEjbServer - which is really about picking a tool
- MessageQueuingArchitectures
- ComPlus, MicrosoftDotNet, DotNetWillKillJava, CsharpLanguage
- SoapProtocol
- AspWiki
Interaction with banned individual removed but he will be notified separately.
- Wished there had been a better way -- DeleteWhenCooked
Hey Dino. Are you the Dino Chiesa who worked at Marposs Techno? How many Dino Chiesas can there be? It's Bill O'Donnell!
Congratulations on your promotion. :-) -- DougMerritt
--- Hi, are you Cheeso from DotNetZip? Moshe (pashute) from the dotnetzip discussions.