Dilbert Is No Joke

last modified: October 14, 2014

I <3 it when the PointyHairedBoss has an epic win. The poor guy is stuck with only engineers, who are pathologically incapable of lying...

I vaguely recall Adams talking about the sources for his stuff in one of his books. He said that 85% of his strips came straight out of emails, of which more than 90% started with the phrase, "I am not making this up..."

"That's just like my Company."

"Thousands of people have told me workplace stories (mostly through e-mail) that are even more absurd than the example above." ScottAdams

I worked in an engineering firm once, and Dilbertism existed, but seemed less common than later non-engineering orgs. Engineers value rationalism, documented decision making, and logical debate to a degree notably higher than typical employees and bosses. When the engineering company was purchased by a bigger "suit" company, the BS started cranking up at quite a noticeable rate, and questioning odd decisions became a bigger no-no. (It's never a yes-yes in any org, but is tolerated more by engineering-oriented managers).

See also: HumansSuck

CategoryIdiom CategoryComicStrip
