A new delivery channel for movies wherein digital content is beamed via satellite to digital projectors in the movie-house.
- Improved luminosity and color were obvious. Images were really crisp as hell. But ...
- Resolution artifacts: yes, there are jaggies. Especially with written text. In an action movie like StarWarsTwo this was mostly imperceptible. But don't sit right down front.
- I had the very unpleasant aftereffect you get from watching hours of TV. Something to do with scan-rates and alpha-rhythms. Not nice.
So, an interesting experience, but in general I'd avoid a cinema using one of these.
Also the sound seems kind of choppy recently in the new mega-theatres (like clipped cell phone conversations). Not sure if it is because of Digital but can't think of any other reason in a brand new high profile movie like the recent MatrixRevolutions where I saw it and noticed this effect, not for the first time and not only in that particular cinema.