Buddhism says, "suffering is caused by attachment". Taoism says, "suffering is the universe's way of telling you you're doing it wrong". --EasternWuss
The above statement is highly superficial
How western civilization has degraded us! All right then, with more wind and less pith:
Buddhism's "Four Noble Truths" courtesy of http://www.buddhaweb.org:
- Suffering exists
- Suffering arises from attachment to desires
- Suffering ceases when attachment to desire ceases
- Freedom from suffering is possible by practicing the EightfoldPath
That path is summarized at http://my.tbaytel.net/arfh/dhamma/eightfold.html. Taoism does not oppose this view - it connects directly in LaoTse chapter 19 (http://www.chinapage.org/gnl.html#19).
But the frame of TaoChia has nothing to do with suffering; it's about what works - what endures. So we have LaoTse's "Three Treasures" courtesy of http://www.chinapage.org/gnl.html#67
- Compassion, by which one finds courage.
- Restraint, by which one finds strength.
- Unimportance, by which one finds influence.
Then "those who are fearless, but without compassion, powerful, but without restraint, or influential, yet important, cannot endure". LaoTse focuses outward, on everyday life, social systems, and politics, rather than inward, on escape. Consequently its view of suffering is more related to AjiKeshi than WabiSabi.