First seen in the work of MichaelHill. Divide a piece of paper vertically with a line. Put a heading on each side (picking the headings is part of the art). Now write pairs of words, one on each side of the line. When you have run out of words, read the columns vertically.
Here is a dichotomy list that resulted from the PairOrigami exercise (first you try to follow the incomprehensible iconic instructions alone for 20 minutes, then you pair up with someone and take turns making folds.) The question was, "How did you feel working alone compared with working with a partner?"
Alone Pair
Quiet Conversation
Uncomfortable Fun
Labor Edification
Problem Solution
Frustrating Funny
Stuck Helping
Conservative Liberal
Unsure Sure
Concentrated Inspired
Control Lost
Incomplete Complete
Not done Done
Unsure Confident
Head Hands
Stingy Sharing
Boring Joking
Now read down the columns and compare the complete left side with the complete right side.