(EditHint: Is this just a synonym for StoryEstimate ? If so, reduce this page to a link to StoryEstimate.)
How long will it take? How much will it cost? How can we possibly get all that done in the time given?
In the PlanningGame, it is Development's responsibility to estimate time/cost for a story.
If a project is anemic in terms of time or money, if the scope is not also reduced, quality suffers and we get FragileCode. But scope reduced too far can result in a MeaninglessProject. On the other hand, too much money or time leads to OverComplicatedCode or LazyCode or time/money wasted in FeatureFrenzy.
The simplest rule is this: if you cannot estimate the story's time and cost, it's either too big or too fuzzy. It must be split or redefined or both. -- GraemeMartin