Deoxyribo Nucleic Acid

last modified: January 5, 2007

An interesting question to ponder: How many contributors to this page are:

You're going for appeal to authority? How about just "how many contributors know WTF they're talking about?" The answer may vary depending on whether you ask a contributor or his audience. ;-)

More seriously, it's pretty obvious, as usual, due to which paragraphs go into technical detail versus not.

I'm not an authority myself, though I'm mostly a lurker on this page. One interesting phenomenon I've long observed on Wiki (and elsewhere) is the amazing ability of programmers to expound at length on topics which have little to do with programming. I don't doubt that many of the people here are quite familiar with the material; OTOH I suspect that much of the material here is of similar quality to what you would find were a forum full of biologists to start discussing programming or software design.

Of course, a good argument can be lots of fun... :)

The building blocks of life:

Uses a very clever built-in redundancy: one strand of DNA (half a double helix) can be used to create the other strand.

Many organisms find this level of redundancy to be insufficient and additionally maintain a duplicate molecule as a backup. It appears that OnceAndOnlyOnce isn't always workable.

Unfortunately, your genome has no revision control system.


It may be noted that diploidy, a second redudancy made by keeping two strands containing the same genes, was probably advantageous because it lets things keep old versions of genes around while still working off new versions. It falls considerably short of a whole revision control system, though.

Why doesn't DNA have a CheckSum?

It does, but it is external. If the DNA is wrong, the organism dies and only workable DNA moves on. Otherwise it is just a bug, and the usual unit tests - life, school, work - will probably detect it

Plus, DNA does have checks on it, whenever it is copied (which is the only time base replacement can reasonably occur). They're reasonably good, in fact. They simply aren't perfect.

The checks are actually vastly superior to "reasonably good". Cells make a copying error on average only once per 10^10 bases copied. I counted it as only reasonably good because there are other sorts of mistakes which can be made, e.g. in chromosome segregation, and I'm not as sure about those.

Unless I'm misreading what you wrote, that speaks to the quality of the copying, not to the goodness of the error detection/correction.

No, the overall error rate for a round of replication depends on both the error rate during copying and the rate of error detection and correction after copying. Some of the enzymes which do the copying (DNA polymerases) have built-in mechanisms for detecting and correcting their errors, but these are limited; in order to copy the genome in a reasonable amount of time, the enzymes must be error-prone. There is a whole other set of enzymes that are involved in correcting errors in the already-copied genome.

Most organisms, E. coli and Homo sapiens included, have atrocious DNA error-correction. This is proved by the extreme vulnerability of most species to ionizing radiation when compared with Deinococcus radiodurans that can tolerate lethal doses thousands of times higher than those of your average dumb happy-go-lucky species. The lesson is clear; most species don't WANT tolerable error-correction. 10^-10 is shit.

DNA fragmentation is as much a sort of error to expect in a physical system as base transition in copying is. It's simply a far less common one, especially in multicellular organisms, so they have extremely careful checks on the latter (especially eukaryotes) and minimal checks on the former (especially eukaryotes). But evolutionary sufficiency isn't the same thing as YAGNI, because it allows the possibility that you might very seriously need it, just not that everyone will all the time. To say people don't need resistance to large doses radiation is ignoring cases where they were exposed to it.

Central Dogma

What is the Central Dogma of Biology? That the sequence of peptides in proteins can be deduced solely by the sequence of nucleotides in the genes which code for them. Another way to put it is that inheritance of traits is exclusively via the gene, which is a sequence of DNA limited by start and stop codes in the Universal Genetic Code (a single code is used to express the meaning of DNA base pair triplets in essentially all organisms in all 5 taxonomic kingdoms, with the exception of organelles such as mitochondria that became cellular symbiotes prior to a finalization of the universal code - organisms using alternate DNA encodings became symbiotes of universal code users or became extinct). Not true; see discussion moved below.

At its essence, the "central dogma" is about the flow of information: that information stored in DNA is passed to information stored in RNA which is passed to information stored in protein.

Problems with the "Central Dogma"

It might also be a good place to mention that the Central Dogma of Biology is wrong, completely dead wrong. And the various mechanisms responsible for this; methylation, et cetera.

Ah, here's a nice summary: "The central dogma says that information flows in a rigid way within a cell, originating in the DNA, moving to the RNA, which then couples with a ribosome to create proteins out of the naturally occurring amino acids according to the universal genetic code"

And this is how wrong the Central Dogma is: nowadays, serious molecular biologists have given up on the notion of "genes"! There are coding sequences and non-coding sequences, but no "genes" as such.

I knew about it 10 years ago. I was laughed at. Just goes to show the difference between the avant-garde and the rear-garde. Yep. But it's one thing to know the truth, it's another to be able to prove it in a reproducible way, which is why a minority of specialists in the field who knew better were largely ignored until recent years.

Unfortunately, I don't know exactly how methylation works. Also, there's something I've read recently, to do with RNA being active (working as an enzyme?) which I've completely forgotten.

There are several other known ways that the dogma is broken in addition to those, btw; the list keeps growing.

Details please.

There's actually a pretty nice summary in the famous Human Genome Project "final report" or whatever it was called that was published in Nature. One area concerns things that are encoded with the help of introns, or exclusively by introns, such as the infant form of hemaeoglobin. Or genes that are encoded as claimed by the old Dogma, but that do not get expressed without the help of an "upstream promoter" in the intron.

Even less well understood are the cell metabolic machinery's many mechanisms, which control expression of all DNA, but are not wholly coded for by DNA themselves; parts are simply copied from parent to child cell during mitosis, giving rise to the classic (i.e. I made it up the other day ;-) TheLawOfMutatingBinaryImages problems: you can't reproduce an entire functioning cell purely from DNA, you have to start with a functioning cell (so forget about Jurassic park; in all likelihood, dinosaur DNA is not quite compatible with any existing cell's metabolic machinery).

The heritable methylation that you mention has gotten the most press, I think.

The Central Dogma of Genetics having been invalidated makes it sound like all our information on molecular biology is invalid. It's not, it's just incomplete.

What do you call it when the missing pieces are more important than what's been discovered so far? Because in many important respects, methylation is more important than the rest of DNA to protein translation. It explains human history.

Strict Darwinian evolution was overturned with the discovery of lateral gene transfer in bacteria and via viruses. Incidentally, it didn't completely overturn the way we think about evolution - it was a modification, not a revolution. But how does methylation imprinting help in multicellular organisms, unless improvements made in somatic cells can be passed to reproductive cells, which is not inherent in any of the above? As for the central dogma and its importance, I understand them well enough, and I know full well that it was over-relied upon, but see above.

Regarding "Central Dogma" being an existing term, not something made up here: Crick invented it in 1957. A quick Google search turns up 44 hits on alone:"central+dogma"

The Human Genome Project final report was published in Nature, Feb 2001, see

In particular see the 60 page summary article, "Initial sequencing and analysis of the human genome"



Evolutionary taxonomy discussion:

This might be a good point to introduce PNA (PeptideNucleicAcid). Because DNA sucks.

Discussion about parallels between genetics and memetics moved to MemeticsGenetics.

See also: GeneticCode BiologicalDeadlock DnaCancerBasis
