Demolishing The Autobahn

last modified: July 4, 2008

Occasionally, there is a tendency to overlook the merits of a given action in favour of the person perpetrating it. GoodPeople do not always do GoodThings, likewise BadPeople do not always do BadThings. If one makes a it a habit to PlayTheManNotTheBall, the consequences are many and varied. GoodThings attributed to BadPeople may be shot down in flames, and people may get hurt - you may even KillTheHostage. Similarly, if GoodPeople are allowed to get away with BadThings, the UnintendedConsequences will be less than pleasant, especially if people realize they have been SleepWalking.

As part of an EgolessWiki, we should avoid ascribing value to a contribution based solely on the identity of its contributor. Otherwise we are left with little choice but to demolish 7500 miles of autobahn.
