Delete This Category

last modified: September 1, 2005

To delete a CategoryX:

  1. Remove all 'CategoryX' tags from the pages in the category.
  2. Wait a day to make the FindPage catch up and to be sure all links are gone.
  3. Finally remove the page CategoryX.

I am not bold enough to RefactorMercilessly a category out of this wiki. So I ask for a consensus before doing so. Since a lot of work goes into creating a category I suggest others do follow this when they want to delete a category. --MarkoSchulz

Concur. Should we not also be discussing a convention on creating categories so that newbies (and folks with a delicate axe to grind) don't go willy-nilly creating categories? As has been mentioned, it sure is a lot of work to create one if the pages all get the new reference.

You could start at WikiCategories, PleasePleaseDontCategorizeEveryPageOnWiki, and GentlyReduceWikiBadges.

Reasonable new categories should be allowed some time to see if they accumulate a number of pages which are brothers, sisters and cousins. If a category has been retained for a period of time (let's say a year or more), but it has not accumulated more than two or three pages, it would then seem logical, if usage is to be a measure of worthiness of a category, that it probably has been badly classified.

Disagree. Please don't create a category unless: 1) you have made a reasonable attempt to find an existing category that fits the page and not found one, 2) you have found ten other pages that fit the category. See CriteriaForCategories.

CategoryWikiMaintenance CategoryDelete
