We all have our own subjective model of life, in the effort to find (the) One intersubjective model for life, we stumble into contradictions or other subjective arguments. Perhaps there exists One definition for all, what we intersubjective, call life, and perhaps it is described on the top of the page DefinitionOfLife.
Because of the non-agreeable "feeling" on that page, i think it's best if we try this approach. And this is the place.
"I" want to have a couple of definitions that really work well for each example of life. And then know the limitations of each model, and then try to find the common DistinctionOfLife, if any. Please feel free to make your own definition below, and let's see what happens! good luck to us all! :D
Definition of wiki life:
Pages in the process of development - not stuck in ThreadMess or static in DocumentForm.
Definition of GameOfGo life:
A group of stones with two or more eyes.
Definition of Physical life:
Any process whose distinction relies on the mechanisms of EvolutionAndEnthalpy.
Definition of Mathematical life:
Any process whose distinction relies on the LogisticMap.
- Who, besides you, calls that "mathematical life"??? That sounds like an extremely idiosyncratic notion.
Definition of Biological life:
NaturalSelection; The tendency for sub-populations within a larger population to increase their proportional representation within that population in relation to their relative reproductive fitness.
- That defines NaturalSelection reasonably well, but certainly is not synonymous with "biological life" by any means.
Definition of Artificial life:
The construction and study of artificial systems that are engineered so as to capture aspects of biological systems. ArtificialLife
Definition of (something) life:
Non-perfect self-reproduction of information is a property of (something) life.
Definition of GameOfLife:
Two neighbors survive, three neighbors give birth, otherwise die.
Authors: ChristianAnder, PeterMerel