His ten rules of simplicity are:
- You need to put a very high value on simplicity
- You must be determined to seek simplicity
- You need to understand the matter very well
- You need to design alternatives and possibilities
- You need to challenge and discard existing elements
- You need to be prepared to start over again
- You need to use concepts
- You need to break things down into smaller units
- You need to be prepared to trade off other values for simplicity
- You need to know for whose sake the simplicity is being designed
On page one he says something like, "Simplicity is one of the four key values." Then he never lists the values. I couldn't find them with AltaVista either. Does anyone know his four values?
Perhaps that's why its so simple...
And I thought it was just one thing...
From ExtremeValues:
- Communication
- Simplicity
- Feedback
- Aggressiveness
You mean the identity of the mysterious FourthMan behind TheThreeExtremos is about to be revealed? I think we should be told ...