David Wall

last modified: November 9, 2014

I'll probably never remember to update this, so I'll just point to my home page: http://web.archive.org/web/20100905092612/http://ylatis.com/darkon/ (which is itself very rarely updated :-)

Not to be confused with the numerous other David Walls out there, such as http://davidwall.com/. :-) My middle initial is K; I often go by the nick darkon.

No relation to LarryWall, although I like using PerlLanguage.

I've made a few minor additions to this wiki, but mostly unsigned. Those have largely been things such as adding or correcting links on the PerlLanguage page or fixing broken links to the JargonFile. Lately I've been removing my signature from some of the signed places so people will feel free to refactor a page if they feel it necessary.

Mostly I just read the wiki. There's a huge amount of interesting stuff here, and references to books I can read at leisure away from the monitor. Thanks, folks.

