David Landgren

last modified: February 12, 2004

(Please excuse the fact that this is not written in the third person. I tried, but it came out sounding far too pretentious).

I figured I should update this page, because it turns out it's a useful google magnet for people to get in touch with me. To that end, our lives might have intersected in Canberra, or Adelaide (at Burnside Demonstration School, now named Burnside Primary or briefly at Norwood High School and later Pembroke College as well as the Levels). Or you might know me from Sydney when I worked at Giltnet.

I live in Paris, France. I have three children these days, although only two, Elza and Oscar, were born when I first wrote this page. In 2002, Elza turned six, Oscar turned three and Basil was born on the first day of the northern summer.

I founded the ParisPerlMongers (http://paris.pm.org group). We're still running strong.

I have my own homepage, but it (http://www.landgren.net/) is pretty hopeless. You know my name, you know my domain, what do you think my e-mail address would be?

My current job is as (an?) Operations Manager for a French company that employs around 700 people. A lot of the time, that involves writing lots of Perl code. On the web these days, I tend to hang out on Perl Monks (http://www.perlmonks.org).

I never read this page, so if you add something I may not notice it for years. In fact I only remembered I wrote this page when an old friend bumped (so to speak) into me. I'm actually rather pleased that this wiki is still alive and kicking after all this time.

KaiCarver first told me about this place, all those years ago.

