Dave West

last modified: September 8, 2006

Associate professor at the UniversityOfStThomas, cofounder of the ObjectTechnologyUsersGroup in Minneapolis-St. Paul MN, object developer starting with DigitalkMethods, author of the object curriculum at St. Thomas, and former WikiLurker.

Five years ago Dave moved to New Mexico Highlands University to start a new kind of software development program. Finally, this fall that program has started. It is an apprenticeship program (students get paid for working on real projects for real customers), competency instead of course based, highly agile - both in how the class is organized and the way we teach people to develop software, very very people centric - recognizing that both users and developers are people first. http://www.nmhu.edu/softwaredevelopment has further information about this program.

Regarding which, see (current affairs as of 03/2005)

He's a big long-haired teddy bear.

He rides a Harley ("whaddy mean, your car?") and has formal backgrounds in philosophy, psychology, and computer science. -- JimCoplien

The backgrounds culminated in the wonderful book : ObjectThinking - ISBN: 0735619654

