Dave Morgan

last modified: September 29, 2014

A Celt born in England and well travelled, also well worn but let's not discuss that. I have now started the WikiJourney. I am looking at projects involving the use of Wiki and integrating blogger software. At present I have Qwiki up and running

I am also trying out Noah Grey's GreyMatter for blogging. Experimentation is taking place on localhost but will soon move to a live website.

I hope to start a major wiki project in the next few weeks and will put links in here, and perhaps elsewhere.

Looks like my cardiff2004 site is down at the moment. That means a busy weekend. Once it's up and working again I intend to use it as the focus for a new project. There are now so many wiki clones that I'd like to see more of them working and be able to experiment with them. So I think we'll see a few more wiki clones on the cardiff2004 site.

2004-01-28 cardiff2004 appears to be still down - I get the Apache Installation page

