Data To Information Refactoring

last modified: November 26, 2014

Data to Information refactoring is a set of ReFactoring techniques for converting DataOriented code to InformationOriented code. See InformationVsData and DataAndInformation.

Moved from ReFactoring:

Simple DataOriented? -> InformationOriented? refactoring:

DataOriented? -> InformationOriented? refactoring sequences:

1 change a table of columns into a class of members (or do the reverse).
2 change a class of members into a dictionary/hash of objects (or do the reverse).
3 change a dictionary/hash of objects into a group of dictionary/hashes (or do the reverse).
4 change a group of dictionary/hashes of the former columns into a dictionary/hash of objects each of which describes a table column (or do the reverse).
5 dictionary/hash of objects each of which describes a table column into an alternatively managed set of loosely coupled fields. (or do the reverse).

1 change a Boolean into an EnumeratedType? (or do the reverse).
2 change an enumerated type to a BitWiseEnumeratedType? (or do the reverse).
3 change a bit-wise enumerated type to an EndemeSet (or do the reverse).
4 change an EndemeSet into a FormatRestrictedString? allowing multiple instances of the same character (or do the reverse).
5 change a format restricted string into FreeText? (or do the reverse).

CategoryInformationOrientation CategoryRefactoring
