Data Recognition Desired Features
- a technique and process to determine if file is either in paPdFormat
- other generallyRecongizeableFormat
- if not, determineIfProcessable
- a technique which is interactive which will invoke appropriate
- execution
- editing
- conversion, or other processes.
- a technique which is interactive which will invoke appropriate
recordingAndReporting - a technique which provides a trail of
- dataEntryIntoSoftwareSystem
- resultsOfProcess
- calendarAndCriteriaRecording
- otherUserDefinedRecordsAndFiles
makeSenseOfThis - a technique which
- presentsDiscoveredData
- suggestsPossibleActions
- creationOfConvertedInformation in paPdFormat
- recordingSuccessOrFailure
- furtherProcessingAlternatives
- presents dataDiscovered by developedScripts
- reportSenseOfData as belonging to a specific Category or Type
- leaving further action to User
- to try something else
- to give up
- leaving further action to User
- executesAnotherProcess (asNextOrDeveloped)