MiniComputer company founded in 1968 by former DigitalEquipmentCorporation employees. Its first computer, the DataGeneralNova, came out the next year. The Nova's good low-end PricePerformance made it a hit, and for several years DG enjoyed great success as a brash competitor which squeezed the margins of DEC and other minicomputer makers. But DG was slow with a response to the DecVax, partly due to internal troubles. By 1980 it produced the EclipseMv, which did respectably in competition with the VAX. (TheSoulOfaNewMachine records the EclipseMv project and the earlier history of DG.) But by then the rise of the WorkStation and PeeCee was imminent. DG responded with some interesting and innovative LaptopComputer and WorkStation products but never recovered its earlier success. In 1999 it was bought up by EmcCorporation.
Data General
last modified: November 10, 2014