Dark City

last modified: October 7, 2005

A 1998 ScienceFiction film noir featuring (among others, but of particular note to this author) JenniferConnelly.

Also worth mentioning is the famously bald, RichardObrien of RockyHorrorPictureShow fame, a quirky character who also hosted a dark, multi-themed, puzzle show called TheCrystalMaze in the UK, a predecessor to the more famous FortBoyard.

Roger Ebert's #1 Movie of 1998


What was so great about Dark City?

First, it is just a very well done movie: story/script, casting/acting, look, score, pacing, special effects, etc. are all top-notch and nicely balanced by the writer/director, Alex Proyas.

More interestly, Dark City mixes several different genres in subtle and effective ways. Begins as a mystery/crime story, steadily adds horror and gets surreal, hits you with an amazing sci-fi revelation, builds to a great action/battle sequence, and has an uplifting fantasy ending. In spite of blending all of these various genres, the film has a fairly consistent style and feel, sort of a cross between 50s noir and dark comic book (Heavy Metal). Neat trick, and quite enjoyable... -- AndyMoore

Apparently, the architect for the Stata Center, MIT's new-home-under-construction for some of its CS laboratories, was inspired by this movie:

Outrageous! Perhaps appropriate: it looks like the architectural embodiment of the typical hacked-together undergraduate software project. ;)

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