I am the real Dan Meek.
This is my HomePage, I am amazed.
Dan Meek
10949 S.W. 4th Avenue
Portland, OR 97219
503-293-9021 voice
503-293-9099 fax
On Enron and Oregon - http://www.voters.net/files/urp/enron/Jan 22 Statement of Meek.htm.
Anyone can edit this page. Hi Dan,
Yes, anyone can edit this page, including deleting everything on it. Wikis are a powerful concept, and I strongly suggest you read WelcomeVisitors, which explains a little more about this particular wiki.
This is very strange. No-one is reading this. Au contraire. I am. Welcome Dan! Perhaps you can tell us more about yourself, your interests in programming, and other such tidbits.
BTW, you need %20 instead of space in various links in voters.net.
Welcome Dan, if you haven't yet, check out NewUserPages and TourBusStop.
Dan is a well-known political activist in the PortlandOregon area.