Dan took the DesignPatterns course from ChrisCleeland at WashingtonUniversity. Has had training OOT Has extensive experience in C++, now working with TAO CORBA and begin some interaction with JAVA.
Note, use the following when getting TAO to work with JAVA
As of the present, Dec 14, 2000, TAO version 1.0 implementing CORBA 2.2 uses an IIOP version 1.2 endpoint by default
JAVA versions use either 1.1 or 1.0
In order for me to get my JAVA JDK 1.3 client to recognize a C++ TAO server i had to start the Server in version 1.0
server -ORBEndpoint iiop://1.0@
For any JAVA project however, I would first try 1.1 before trying 1.0
JACORB I hear uses 1.1. TO start your TAO server for this use server -ORBEndpoint iiop://1.1@