V: The act of supporting and servicing the customer.
N: The first line public relations of a company.
I worked in (technical) customer service for a while and the focus was strongly on "Not enraging the customer". People dealing with customer service persons should remember that it is the worst job in the world. Worse than shoveling heavy material for a living. Really.
I'm always amazed at how people will rant and rave at customer service personnel when (a) it's not actually their fault, and (b) they are the ones who can put in motion a train of events to help you. Shouting at them may be satisfying, but it's scarcely likely to get you the help you want and the outcome you would prefer.
True story:
Me: "Dear customer service, your software does not work with my monitor because it assumes a higher resolution. Key buttons are off the screen."
Customer-Service (CS): "Change your monitor's resolution to a higher value."
Me: "But that makes the fonts too small."
CS: "Then buy a bigger monitor. Ticket closed."